Dr. Paul Arciero

Dr. Paul Arciero, FACSM, FTOS, FISSN, is a leading expert in human nutrition and performance. He’s the author of the Amazon #1 Best-Seller “The PRISE® Life,” a research-based program designed to transform your health. Featured in BBC World News, WebMD, and The Wall Street Journal, Dr. Paul empowers you to lose fat, gain muscle, and optimize your well-being. Discover how the PRISE® Life can help you achieve your goals.

The Protein Pacing Diet

Proof that self-care is the new healthcare, powered by PROTEIN PACING® and the PRISE® LIFE.

Dr. Paul’s Protein Pacing & PRISE® Life secrets are finally revealed – from what to eat and when to eat using his ‘Morning Muscle Maximizer’ and ‘Bedtime Bellyfat Burner’, to debunking the many health, fitness, and diet myths that arise daily. Consulted by the highest level media outlets – O Magazine, The Wall Street Journal, Fox News, Prevention, Good Housekeeping, WebMD, TIME, Huffington Post, Glamour, Women’s Health, Men’s Health, and many more – he answers the call to share his knowledge. It’s time to join the millions of people worldwide who have heard his message: Put an end to fad diets and harmful exercise programs, and ‘Never Diet Again’ by Keeping Your Eyes on the PRISE®!

The PRISE Life: Protein Pacing for Optimal Health and Performance

Based on his #1 best-selling book, The Protein Pacing Diet, Dr. Paul continues to show the fastest and easiest way to optimize your health and transform your body. The science behind the PRISE Life protocol is both proven and practical.

Whether you are just starting to reclaim your vitality, you desire a stronger, leaner physique, or you want to take your performance to the highest level, allow Dr. Paul to guide you every step of the way.

Dr. Paul Arciero is the world’s leading nutrition and performance scientist. He has published over 60 peer-reviewed articles and is the pioneer behind Protein Pacing® and The PRISE® Life. Dr. Paul is a best-selling author, keynote speaker, and media personality.

The PRISE Series Coming 2020!

Keynote Presentations

The PRISE® Protocol –
The New Science of Nutrition and Fitness

Despite an abundance of easily accessible information, most people still struggle to make sense of when, what and how to eat and exercise for optimal health and performance. This “information overload” has created confusion, frustration and an epidemic of inaction, leading to the opposite effect of what it was designed to prevent — physical inactivity, poor eating habits, stress, and disease.

This presentation will provide attendees with easy-to-follow and scientifically proven lifestyle strategies to optimize health and performance using the evidence-based lifestyle program created by Dr. Paul Arciero called “PRISE®”, the acronym for Protein Pacing (P); Resistance (R); Interval (I); Stretching (S); and Endurance (E) fitness training combined with his proven mind/body techniques. Too often, nutrition, exercise, and mind/body guidelines are prescribed independently or in opposition to each other.

Attendees will learn how to incorporate strategies in an easy-to-follow daily routine so they complement each other and work in synergy with lifestyle and fitness needs.

PRISE® is easily customizable for disease prevention in the realm of heart disease, diabetes, cancer, inflammation and metabolic disease as well as specific diet and nutrition techniques, such as:


Learn to apply the PRISE® principles specific to the Paleo diet guidelines to maximize fat loss, lean muscle mass, blood sugar control, physical performance benefits


Augment the benefits of the ketogenic diet using PRISE® to enhance fat loss, manage weight control, improve cardiovascular health and fitness


Incorporate the many health benefits of the Plant-based diet plan into the PRISE® Protocol to generate additional health and fitness gains


The combined proven science of the Mediterranean diet with the PRISE® Protocol makes this one of the world’s most effective lifestyle plans to optimize health and fitness


There is a growing emphasis and focus on nutritional strategies to enhance cognitive function across the age and health spectrum. The MINDSM diet and the PRISE® Protocol utilize the latest research to elevate cognitive function to an all-time high!

More Info

Exergaming Meets the PRISE® Protocol : The Science of Brain Health

Cognitive decline is a growing public health concern with a myriad of causes. The most common form is mild cognitive impairment (MCI) which often progresses to dementia, such as Alzheimer’s disease, with diagnoses approaching 1 million by 2050. Research suggests if the onset of dementia and cognitive decline could be delayed a few years the impact may be dramatic, reducing prevalence by 1 million cases after 10 years in the United States alone. Delaying progression of dementia for two years may reduce the incidence of disease by a whopping 18 million cases globally per year! To date, there is no cure for dementia, including conventional medical interventions. However, a growing body of scientific literature demonstrates the intrinsic value and benefit of specific forms of physical exercise combined with nutritional strategies to reduce the risk of dementia onset and even augment cognitive function and overall behavioral mood state. In this keynote presentation, Dr. Paul captures the audience with scientific research he has conducted and compiled from other leading scientists demonstrating the potential of combined physical activity and nutritional lifestyle intervention strategies to enhance brain function, mood state, overall health and physical performance.


The Mindset : Overcoming the Body’s Subconscious Programming

For many people the thought of beginning a new lifestyle of diet and exercise is daunting. Unfortunately, the greatest challenge is overcoming the “conditioned” subconscious response that has been a major part of our life story, and instead creating a mindset that is based on our innate ability to heal and transform our bodies — a capacity that’s been with us since birth. Most people fall victim to their subconscious programming and end up sabotaging any healthy lifestyle changes they try to implement. Dr. Paul teaches techniques to retrain your conscious, subconscious and superconscious minds to unlock the magic and potential within all of us to achieve optimal health. His fitness and cognitive techniques are based on 30 years of successful research studies, fitness coaching and client cases. He leads the audience through the science, philosophy, physiology, and finally the art of application in the areas of nutrition, fitness, and mind-body training to create an entirely new approach of optimal living.


Peak Fitness and Performance for Executive Women in the Workplace

Achieving leadership roles and staying at the top of a profession is never easy, often resulting in the sacrifice of health and relationships and leaving us exhausted and unable to navigate all aspects on the way to the top. True life balance has much to do with having the physical stamina and proper nutrition to fuel the myriad of activities required by the diverse responsibilities we owe to ourselves, our families and the strenuous demands of the workplace.

As we push to the top of our professional game, our health, families and relationships should reflect the success we’ve attained with our careers. Finding a way to make this doable for those with overriding time commitments is exactly what this program is designed to do in a manner that is practical and achievable for high-performing women in the workplace.

Dr. Paul Arciero has created scientifically proven lifestyle strategies using his PRISE® Protocol of supreme nutrition, fitness and mind-body techniques so women can thrive in leadership roles while bringing greater fulfillment to relationships and maintaining a higher level of satisfaction in all areas of life. This practical program is designed for women who find there is never enough time in the day to ‘do it all’ by offering realistic strategies, meal plans and exercise protocols that are both effective and geared for those with busy lifestyles.


Keep Your Eyes on the PRISE® to Conquer Obesity

Obesity rates in the US are at an all-time high for all segments the population. Among adults, obesity prevalence is 40% overall and is even higher for certain races such as Non-Hispanic blacks and Hispanics at 48%.  Sadly, one in five youth are considered obese (20% prevalence). The associated annual medical costs of obesity are in excess of $190 billion and this doesn’t include the $4.3 billion in work-related loss (absenteeism and lower productivity).

Unfortunately, our current Westernized lifestyles of a high fat, sugar and salt diet combined with low levels of physical activity are major reasons for the obesity epidemic. The good news is the PRISE® Protocol is a scientifically proven solution to conquer the obesity problem.  Dr. Paul Arciero, the creator and scientist behind the PRISE® Protocol, is an international renowned keynote speaker, best-selling author and consultant to the health and wellness industry. His mission as a change agent to revolutionize the way we eat and exercise at work and home utilizing his PRISE® Protocol is to reverse the obesity epidemic to lower the economic burden of obesity on the healthcare system, improve lives and increase productivity in the workforce.


Keep Your Eyes on the PRISE® to Defeat Diabetes

Currently more than 100 million Americans have diabetes (>30 million) or prediabetes (>80 million) that often lead to major health problems. Of the one-third of U.S. adults, or 1 in 4 adults with prediabetes, the vast majority have no idea they have the disease and therefore make little if any effort to properly manage the condition. The highest rates of diabetes are among American Indian (15%), non-Hispanic blacks (13%), and Hispanics (12%). The healthcare costs of diabetes are in excess of $325 billion annually.

Currently, medications are the primary first-line of defense to treat both diabetes and prediabetes. However, it’s well known that lifestyle factors are much more cost-effective in preventing and treating these conditions if properly administered. Dr. Paul Arciero has conducted firsthand scientific research documenting significant improvement in diabetes risk in people of all ages and health status using his PRISE® Lifestyle Protocol.


Dr. Paul J. Arciero (“Dr. Paul”), FACSM, FTOS, FISSN, is a full professor and director of the Human Nutrition, Metabolism, and Performance Laboratory in the Department of Health and Human Physiological Sciences at Skidmore College and has served as a full professor in the Department of Sports Medicine and Nutrition at the University of Pittsburgh, a research professor in the Psychology and Neurosciences Department at Union College and an adjunct professor in the School of Health Sciences in the Department of Nutrition at The Sage Colleges. 

Dr. Paul is the author of Amazon #1 Best-Seller “The PRISE® Life” book, based on his peer-reviewed scientific research publications of easily executed lifestyle strategies to lose belly fat, gain lean muscle, reduce disease, and improve physical and cognitive performance. He was awarded Most Likely to Change the World by The Academic Minute on National Public Radio for his PRISE Life research. His research has been published in Nature Communications, Obesity Journal, Journal of Applied Physiology, American Journal of Preventive Medicine, and featured in BBC World NewsBBC ReelsWebMDFortune, Today ShowUSA TodayThe Wall Street Journal, TIME, American Heart Association, and hundreds of others. He has served as a performance and nutrition expert for the most elite, including; Olympic medalists, world-class professional athletes (National Hockey League, American Hockey League, boxing, cycling, and rowing), collegiate, high school and masters’ athletes, and business and thought leaders from around the world. He serves as a Senior Consultant and Scientific Advisory Board member to the nutrition, fitness, and wellness industries and was appointed to the 15-member International Protein Board (IPB Advisory Board), composed of the leading protein scientists in the world. 


He graduated from Simsbury High School in 1980, received a Bachelor of Science in special studies (concentration in biology, physical education, and business) from Central Connecticut State University (CCSU) in 1986, a Master of Science in physiology of exercise and bioenergetics from Purdue University in 1987, a Master of Science in nutritional sciences from University of Vermont in 1993, a Doctorate in physiology of exercise from Springfield College in 1993, and a Postdoctoral Fellowship in applied physiology from Washington University School of Medicine in 1994. He’s been inducted as a Fellow of three leading health organizations in the world – American College of Sports Medicine (FACSM), The Obesity Society (FTOS), and International Society of Sports Nutrition (FISSN). Dr. Paul is a past board member of the American Heart Association in the Capital Region and currently serves as a media spokesperson and regular volunteer for the AHA (AHA Feature Story). He’s inducted into the Central Connecticut State University (CCSU) Athletics Hall of Fame for tennis, where he played #1 singles and doubles all four years, earning All-New England honors each of those years, and was among the top singles players in the nation in 1985. Collectively, Dr. Paul has been awarded more than $10 million in research grant funding, published more than 70 peer-reviewed publications indexed on PubMed and cited over 8,132 times with an h-index of 46 and an i10-index of 68, all considered “excellent”. 

Dr. Paul specializes in providing health and wellness consulting services for organizations, institutions, industries, and teams of all sizes. He is President and CEO of PRISE LLC, a nutrition and fitness consulting company that owns the PRISE® Life. He and his wife Karen have three sons, Nicholas, Noah and Aidan and enjoys spending time together and being outdoors. 

Media Gallery

Keynote Speaker Preview

Noted scientist, keynote speaker and peak performance expert Dr. Paul Arciero presents cutting edge information on exercise fitness, peak performance and the importance of nutrition for optimal health during this talk discussing his scientifically-proven PRISE Protocol.

Protein Pacing and Weight Loss

Renowned scientist, keynote speaker and fitness expert, Dr. Paul Arciero shares the phenomenal results of his scientific discovery around protein pacing and healthy weight loss in this short clip from one of his popular presentations.

New Science of Nutrition
and Fitness

Noted scientist, keynote speaker and peak performance expert Dr. Paul Arciero presents cutting edge information on exercise fitness, peak performance and the importance of nutrition for optimal health during this talk discussing his scientifically-proven PRISE Protocol.


“This is a very current and important piece of work. Dr. Paul shows that although a healthy lifestyle takes commitment, nutrition and exercise don’t need to be as complicated as we are being led by the hype to believe. Of course, a healthy lifestyle incorporates exercise, but it is amazing how much easier movement is when we feel good or don’t have such extreme time- and energy-expending hurdles to overcome. He demonstrates how energy is our life’s force and how ultimately we want the same thing: health and longevity to spend quality time doing what we love with and for our loved ones. To me, this works for us folks with busy work schedules, all the way to Olympians and star athletes. Thank you, Paul, for your wonderful work and for the pleasure it gives me to see how you have focused on principles in the health and fitness dimension, much like my father and I have focused on principles in the human and organizational effectiveness dimension.”


— Stephen M.R. Covey, NYT and Wall Street Journal best-selling author of The Speed of Trust
(excerpt from the foreword of The PRISE Life: Protein Pacing for Optimal Health and Performance)

“At age 55, I began a march from a La-Z-Boy lifestyle to a 2011 gold medal-winning National Cycling Championship podium. In two short years, Dr. Paul helped me achieve what seemed to everyone around me to be impossible. By following his nutrition, exercise, and health protocols, I leapfrogged competitors who’d been diligently training for decades. “


— Bill Watkins, world-class athlete, founder of The Lions Pride

“Dr. Paul masterfully guides the reader through a maze of diets and exercise programs. Dr. Paul’s writing style personally reaches out to you, to guide you in improving your performance. He navigates through current complex and sometimes conflicting research on nutrition and exercise and designs a simple, yet comprehensive evidence-based program with his passionate prose.”


— Gaetano J. Scuderi, MD, certified orthopedic spine surgeon, professor, Stanford University

“This book will be instrumental in creating a health and fitness movement that we have not yet experienced in this century.”


— David T.S. Wood, speaker, trainer, and philanthropist

“Dr. Paul’s Protein Pacing Diet eloquently combines his outstanding scientific acumen and passion for us all to lead fulfilling and meaningful lives by successfully optimizing human performance, health, and relationships. ”


 — Meghan Downs, Ph.D., NASA Physiologist

“Protein Pacing and The PRISE Life Protocol answers all our needs to stay in shape. Dr. Paul helps us understand how our bodies work the most efficiently and keep us fit for what he calls this ‘race of life.’ Dr. Paul is a remarkable resource for the sports science community.”

 — Amy Peterson, USA short track speed skating, five-time Olympian

“Dr. Paul Arciero’s PRISE Life is truly the way to a healthy lifestyle, better performance, and happier life.”

 — Brad Faxon, PGA champion

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